Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Quick Login Woes

So, off the top of my head I had a slower than I would like login to three sites today.

I don't mean to say they are bad sites or whatever. What I do mean to say is that it would be nice to be able to log in from the initial landing page.

The three I will name and the different ways they could be more efficient to use:


Come on Google, I get that allowing me to fill in my email or account name, clicking, having the account textbox fade out, the password textbox fade in, and then letting me give my password before submitting is nice, smooth, and fancy. Well done for the goals attempted.

But, I'd rather both textboxes and the submit button be available right on the index page.


I don't want to dump on this company, they have provided me much entertainment for the very reasonable price of $8 a month. However, my first visit is redirected to which has a login link. At least when you click that link from the welcome page, the login fields are showing by default at I want them to know that improvement is noticed and appreciated as formerly that was not the case.

But, I'd rather both textboxes and the submit button be available right on the index page.


Again, well done for their purposeful execution of the designed functionality. But, after I land on the index page I have to click, then I can log in. This one is the most frustrating as I use this site so often. Aside from the initial unnecessary, annoying click, I like using it and it is very helpful in my day to day.

But, I'd rather both textboxes and the submit button be available right on the index page.

I would love to hear why these designs are unavoidable and not any excuses about brute force bots, which won't have any trouble navigating to the Step 2 where logging in happens.
